Sentence Improvement Previous Year Questions (CGL 2010)

Sentence Improvement Previous Year Solved Questions (SSC CGL 2010)

Directions (1-20): In the follow­ing questions, a part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below are given alter­natives to the bold part at (1), (2) and (3) which may Improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case, no improvement is needed your answer is (4).

1.  The false appearance of the build­ing erected for the function was blown away in the storm.
(1)  exterior
(2)  facade
(3)  skeleton
(4)  No Improvement

2.  I will be with you in one quarter of an hour.
(1)   a quarter of one hour
(2)   a quarter of an hour
(3)   a quarter of hour
(4)   No Improvement

3.  She has decided to canvas for the Conservative Party.
(1)   advertise
(2)  canvass
(3)  canvassing
(4)  No improvement

4.  Serious charges of corruption were levied against him.
(1)  put
(2)  levelled
(3)  made
(4)  No improvement

5.  He ordered me open the window.
(1)  asked
(2)  bade
(3)  requested
(4)  No improvement

6.  A lot of bloodshed could have been saved, had the administration taken timely action.
(1)  protected
(2)  prevented
(3)  eschewed
(4)  No improvement

7.  Along with success comes a need for wisdom.
(1)  thought
(2)  thirst
(3)  reputation
(4)  No improvement

8. Do you know to prepare the Balance Sheet ?
(1)  Do you know to balance
(2)  Do you know to make
(3)  Do you know how to prepare
(4)  No improvement

9. Neither plants nor animals, can survive without oxygen.
(1)  Plants can neither
(2)  Neither can plants
(3)  Plants, neither
(4)  No improvement

10.The professor has agreed to take remediable classes for the weak­er students.
(1)  redressal
(2)  remedial
(3)  restorative
(4)  No improvement

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11. During the recent floods, we wad­ed through waist-deep water for almost half a kilometre ?
(1)  shuffled through
(2)  walked over
(3)   skipped through
(4)   No improvement

12. In Gujarat, communal violence and rioting ignited up twice in the late seventies and early eight­ies.
(1)  flared
(2)  burned
(3)  took
(4)  No improvement

13. My friend lamented that though a complete report was sent to the department a month ago no ac­tion is being taken so far.
(1)  no action has been taken
(2)  no action was taken
(3)  no action had taken
(4)  No improvement

14. Hari left the house before Shyam got there.
(1)  will leave
(2)  had left
(3)  leaves
(4)  No improvement

15. The underlining assumption is that the amount of money avail­able is limited.
(1)  undermining
(2)  underlying
(3)  underwhelming
(4)  No improvement

16. She was criticized by her col­leagues for leaking the story to the press.
(1)  reproached
(2)  dissented
(3)  warned
(4)  No improvement

17. Two children were knocked down by a speeding truck.
(1)  turned down
(2)  pulled down
(3)   brought down
(4)   No improvement

18. The company is not doing well isn't it time you sell off your shares in it?
(1)  sold
(2)  selling
(3)  give
(4)  No improvement

19.   Before a skunk squeals an un­pleasant spray from the glands under its tall, it will stamp its feet and hiss a warning.
(1)  Squints
(2)  Stinks
(3)  Squirts
(4)  No improvement

20. Although pandas eat bamboo al­most exclusively, they are also carnivorous.
(1)  Until
(2)  As soon as
(3)  Not only
(4)  No improvement Directions

Answer key:

1.(3)        2.(2)        3. (3)      4. (2)
5.(1)        6.(2)        7. (4)      8. (3)
9. (4)      10. (2)      11. (4)    12.(1)
13. (1)    14. (2)      15. (2)    16.(1)
17. (4)    18. (1)      19. (3)    20. (4)

|| Set 1 || || Set 2 || Set 3 || Set 4 || Set 5 || 

Sentence Improvement Previous Year Questions (CGL 2010) Sentence Improvement Previous Year Questions (CGL 2010) Reviewed by Admin on 1:37:00 PM Rating: 5
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