Railways Collected 864 Crores for NTPC and Group D 2019 Exams
Railways Collected 864 Crores for NTPC and Group D 2019 Exams
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Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state:
(a) the details of the number of applications received against Notification for Group D and Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC) posts released in 2019, category-wise;
(b) the details of the total amount collected against payment of application fee for above-mentioned recruitment drive;
(c) whether it is a fact that the exam date of the above-mentioned recruitment drive has been postponed many times;
(d) if so, the details thereof along with reasons for postponement; and
(e) the details of steps taken by Railways to complete this recruitment drive in a time-bound manner?
(a): Category wise details of applications received under each of the two recruitments notified in 2019 are as below:
Number of applications received
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Level-1 (erstwhile Group D) recruitment under CEN RRC 01/2019
NTPC recruitment under CEN 01/2019
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Unreserved (UR)
Scheduled Caste (SC)
Scheduled Tribe (ST)
Other Backward Class (OBC)
Economically Backward Section (EWS)
(b): Under Centralized Employment Notification, CEN 01/2019 for Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC) recruitment, ₹ 4,45,72,85,003 (subject to refund) and for Group D (Now, Level-1) recruitment under CEN RRC 01/2019, ₹ 4,18, 31,13,914 (subject to refund) have been collected as an examination fee. ₹ 250 collected as examination fee from Exempted Categories (SC/ST/Ex-servicemen/PwBDs/Women, Minorities and Economic Backward Classes) will be refunded to those who actually appear in the written examination. Similarly, out of ₹ 500 collected as examination fee from Non-Exempted Categories, ₹ 400 will be refunded to those who actually appear in the written examination.
Total: 864,03,98,917
(c) to (e): Multiple recruitment examinations against Centralized Employment Notifications (CEN) No. 01/2019 for NTPC, CEN 03/2019 for Ministerial and Isolated categories and CEN RRC 01/2019 for Level-1 posts are in process to be conducted in the coming months. For NTPC recruitment under CEN 01/2019, open tenders have been floated to select Exam Conducting Agency (ECA). For recruitment under Level-1 notification CEN RRC-01/2019, tendering process for engaging ECA is underway. After selection of ECA, dates for the examinations will be announced.
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Railways Collected 864 Crores for NTPC and Group D 2019 Exams
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