65488 Candidates will appear in RRB NTPC Stage -3 2016

65488 Candidates will appear in RRB NTPC Stage -3 2016

Hello Readers,

Railways is going to call approx 65488 candidates for appearing in Stage-3 which is for typing and aptitude test. Below is the news article excerpt for the same.

Name of Post Vacancy Candidates to be called for Aptitude test/Typing test (8X)
Traffic Apprentice 1,645
Commercial Apprentice 703
Goods Guard 7,591
Enquiry cum Reservation Clerk (ECRC) 127
Traffic Assistant 166 1328
Senior Time Keeper 4 32
Senior Clerk cum Typist 869 6952
Assistant Station Master (ASM) 5942 47536
Junior Accounts Assistant cum Typist 1,205 9640
Total 18,252 65488

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65488 Candidates will appear in RRB NTPC Stage -3 2016 65488 Candidates will appear in RRB NTPC Stage -3 2016 Reviewed by Admin on 1:44:00 PM Rating: 5
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