Upper Age Limit 30 Years for SSC CGL Group B Posts (DoPT O.M.)

Upper Age Limit 30 Years for SSC CGL Group B Posts (DoPT Office Memorandum) 28-12-2016

Sub: Amendment in RRs for revising the upper age limit as 30 years for the recruitment made under Combined Graduate Level Examination conducted by SSC for the post carrying Grade Pay of Rs. 4200, 4600 & 4800/-

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's O.M. of even number dated 31st  May, 2016 issued in pursuance of meeting in DoPT on the issue cited in subject above. All the participant Ministries/Departments were requested to send a proposal for amendment of the Recruitment Rules for the posts having Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/-, 4600/- and 4800/- which are part of CGLE so as to revise the upper age limit as 30 years, in consonance with the guidelines on framing/amendment of Recruitment Rules dated 31.12.2010.

2. Further, DoPT vide OM dated 14.09.2016 requested all participating Ministries / Departments to convey the status for amendment of the RRs of the posts carrying Grade Pay Rs. 4200, 4600 & 4800/- and to furnish a copy of the notification of the Recruitment Rules. 

3. A statement containing the details of the posts for which recruitment rules are required to be amended is enclosed. The cadre controlling authorities of respective Ministries/Departments are requested to inform this Department about the current status of amendment. A copy of the notification issued for amendment in RRs may be sent to this Department latest by 10.01.2017.  

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Upper Age Limit 30 Years for SSC CGL Group B Posts (DoPT O.M.) Upper Age Limit 30 Years for SSC CGL Group B Posts (DoPT O.M.) Reviewed by Admin on 9:01:00 AM Rating: 5
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