Railways RRB Group D PET Instructions PDF (18 Points)
Railways RRB Group D PET Instructions PDF (18 Points)
1. This call letter does not by itself give any entitlement
whatsoever for any appointment on the Railway and is issued only for attending the PET.
2. The candidate should paste passport size color photo in the Call
Letter and check particulars, like Community, DOB, Gender etc., printed in the Call Letter. If there is any discrepancy, the candidate must contact RRC office, at least one week
before the date of PET.
3. Candidates should report to PET venue one hour
before the time indicated on the call letters. Candidates will not be allowed to enter the venue without producing the call letter. No request for change in date, venue and time for
PET will be entertained
4. Bags, Pen, Pencil & Electronic gadgets like, Cell Phones, Cameras & Time recorders etc. will not be
permitted inside the PET Venue. Candidates will be frisked for the same & those in possession of the banned items will be summarily disqualified.
5. The dress regulations for PET. Candidates must follow the following : Men – Shorts/Trousers/Tracksuit
with Shirt or T shirt. Women – Shorts with Shirt or T Shirts/ Tracksuit/Salwar Kameez. Shoes are compulsory. Canvas or Sports Shoes, which they find most comfortable to run.
6. The criterion for Physical Efficiency Test (PET) is as follows
For Male Candidates
1) Should be able to lift and carry 35 kg of weight for a distance of 100 meters in 2
minutes in one chance without putting the weight down; and
2) Should be able to run for a distance of 1000 meters in 4 minute & 15 seconds in
one chance
For Female Candidates
1) Should be able to lift and carry 20 kg of weight for a distance of 100 meters in
2 minutes in one chance without putting the weight down ; and
2) Should be able to run for a distance of 1000 meters in 5 minute & 40
seconds in one chance
7. Though every effort will be made to relieve candidates on the same day, candidates are advised to come prepared to stay for two to three
days, if required, due to any unforeseen circumstances.
8.Candidates will be given only one
chance and request for second chance will not be entertained under any circumstances.
9. PET is only a qualifying test. Results of PET will be announced on the same day, after test, as far as possible. Calling for PET or even qualifying in the same does not
give any claim for appointment.
10. Candidates are advised to read the conditions specified in the employment notification carefully,
and appear for the PET only if they fulfill all the eligibility conditions mentioned therein. Please note that ineligible candidature detected at any stage, will lead to disqualification.
11. Candidates are expected to take adequate care while undergoing PET to avoid any injury to themselves or those around them. The Railway will not
be responsible for any injury or damage suffered/caused during the Physical Efficiency Test.
12. Resorting to any unfair means in or in connection with this PET, misbehavior by the candidates causing
disturbance in the venue or its premises will disqualify the candidate. Such candidates will be debarred from appearing in all RRC-CR recruitments for two years or for life,
which will be decided by RRC/CR. In addition to this, such candidates will be handed over to the police on the spot for criminal proceedings.
13.Canvassing of any kind will disqualify the candidates.
14. I Railway reserves the right to cancel or modify the
recruitment, in full, or in part or modify, and add or delete any of the conditions if the circumstances so warrant.
15. The decision of the PET committee at the venue regarding
fitness/unfitness of candidates in the PET will be final.
16. The candidates are advised to ensure in their own interest to have adequate practice before coming for PET. The candidates are advised to ensure in their own interest to
have their health checked with a Doctor before coming for PET. Railways will not be responsible for any incident arising out of poor Physical condition or underlying health
17.Candidates should strictly obey the instruction issued by the Railway
Officials at the PET venue.
18. Candidates have to come prepared to stay for more than One day, if required. Candidates have to make their own arrangements for their accommodation while coming
for PET.
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Railways RRB Group D PET Instructions PDF (18 Points)
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