SSC RTI Reply Regarding Multiple Queries (including CGL 18 Vacancy)

SSC RTI Reply Regarding Multiple Queries (including CGL 18 Vacancy)


1. please provide master question paper along with keys for the SSC Selection post phase VI exam 2018 for Matric, Graduation and Intermediate level.

2. please provide information whether the examination interface or software will be changed for CGL 2018 Tier 1 exam as vendor changed.

3. will the same software be used for CGL or CPO 2018 exam as used in selection post exam phase VI.

4. Will the post of Executive Assistant recruited through SSC CGL 2018

5. Latest vacancy position as on date for SSC CGL 2018. for all posts

6. will the question pattern of SSC CGL 2018 be same as of CGl 2017, i.e. first 25 questions of Reasoning, then 25 General Studies, then 25 questions on maths and last 25 questions on English or it will be random nature as asked in SSC selection post phase vi.


Point No.1 

pertains to this CPIO and it is informed that information regarding Tentative Answer Key and Final Result of Phase-VI/2018 will only be made available on the website of the concerned Regional Office. You are therefore requested to keep visiting the website of the Commission as well as its Regional Offices for latest updates.

Point 2 &3. CPIO has no information in material form. 

4 &6. Pl see notice of exam 

5.Not yet collected 

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SSC RTI Reply Regarding Multiple Queries (including CGL 18 Vacancy) SSC RTI Reply Regarding Multiple Queries (including CGL 18 Vacancy) Reviewed by Admin on 1:05:00 PM Rating: 5
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