SSC Scam Case PIL of Prashant Bhushan will tentatively be listed on 28.03.2018

SSC Scam Case PIL of Prashant Bhushan will tentatively be listed on 28.03.2018

Case Details:

Diary No: 
10013/2018 Filed on 16-03-2018 03:05 PM

Case No.: W.P.(C) No. 000234 - / 2018  Registered on 20-03-2018

Tentative Date of Listing:  28.03.2018

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SSC Scam Case PIL of Prashant Bhushan will tentatively be listed on 28.03.2018 SSC Scam Case PIL of Prashant Bhushan will tentatively be listed on 28.03.2018 Reviewed by Admin on 9:42:00 AM Rating: 5
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