No of Candidates Registered and Appeared for SSC CGL and CHSL Exams in last 3 years

No of Candidates Registered and Appeared for SSC CGL and CHSL Exams in last 3 years

Hello friends, Team Qmaths has filed an RTI Query regarding No. of Candidates Registered and Appeared for SSC CGL and CHSL Exams in last 3 years. Today we have received the reply from SSC and we are sharing the same with our followers. you may see the official rti reply image and text and our summarized data picture.  

RTI Query:

1. No. of candidates registered for SSC CHSL 2017-2018 examination
2. No. of Candidates registered and appeared for SSC CHSL and CGL in 2016, 2015, 2014


Point 1 and 2: Point wise reply is as under :

S. No. Name of examination Examination Year Registered Candidates Appeared Candidates

Combined Graduate Level Examination
1. 2014 3084707 1289706
2. 2015 2952329 1785285
3. 2016 3803748 1425234

Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination
4. 2014 4652475 2045099
5. 2015 6996708 3044784
6. 2016 6406623 3055208
7. 2017 6349545 

Point 3: Your RTI application has already been transferred to the concerned CPIOs by the Nodal Officer to provide the requisite information, if available.

From recent SSC Notices, we can find CGL 2017 and CHSL 2017 missing Data.

Appeared (Absent % ) Summary:

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No of Candidates Registered and Appeared for SSC CGL and CHSL Exams in last 3 years No of Candidates Registered and Appeared for SSC CGL and CHSL Exams in last 3 years Reviewed by Admin on 10:04:00 PM Rating: 5
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