OBC Certificates beyond Validity Period will be accepted: PGPortal Reply (27-07-2017)

OBC Certificates beyond Validity Period will be accepted Provisionally: PGPortal Reply (27-07-2017)

Helloo Friends,

In this post we are sharing a PGPortal reply regarding OBC Certificates beyond Validity Period for SSC CGL 2016. This Reply has been forwarded to us by Shri Yadav Chandrajyoti and we thank him for sharing information with us. You may view the highlights and reply Image below.

HIGHLIGHTS of PGPortal Reply:

1) OBC Certificate issued between 14-07-2012 to 09-01-2016 will be accepted and OBC certificate beyond these dates will be accepted provisionally.

2) Provisionally means the candidates producing OBC Certificate issued beyond the validity period may be considered as OBC and marked provisional.

3) It is Mentioned in the notice the candidates issued OBC Certificate beyond the validity period may be considered as OBC, as per instruction by the Hqrs till now.

From other RTIs and PGPortal replies it is said that the veracity of OBC certificates will be dealt by allotted Departments. Hence it is expected that the result of SSC CGL 2016 might include OBC candidates beyond the validity period in OBC category vacancy. Rest SSC loves to give surprises.

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OBC Certificates beyond Validity Period will be accepted: PGPortal Reply (27-07-2017) OBC Certificates beyond Validity Period will be accepted: PGPortal Reply (27-07-2017) Reviewed by Admin on 10:55:00 PM Rating: 5
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