SSC MTS 2017 Cancelled officially (Shift-2) 30-04-2017

SSC MTS 2017 Shift-2 Cancelled Officially 30-04-2017

Hello Readers,

As per the latest Notice from SSC, the second shift exam of MTS has been cancelled. Earlier this day the snapshot and answer keys of the said Question Paper was leaked and shared on social sites. SSC took immediate action and cancelled the shift-2 exam, however it seems that shift-1 exam was also compromised and it should also be cancelled. You may download the SSC official Notice from the link provided below.

Excerpt of the Notice:

The Staff Selection Commission has taken a decision to cancel the (Paper-I) (Afternoon Shift) of the MTS (Non-Technical) Examination 2016 held on 30th April 2017, because the said paper was found to be compromised. The re-examination for only those candidates who appeared in this shift will be held in due course and the candidates would be suitably informed accordingly. The inconvenience caused to the candidates is regretted.

Snap Shot of the Notice

Click Here to Download SSC Official Notice regarding MTS 2017 (Shift-2) Cancellation

Click Here to Download SSC MTS 2017 Question Papers (Shift-1 + Shift-2) Dated 30-04-2017

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SSC MTS 2017 Cancelled officially (Shift-2) 30-04-2017 SSC MTS 2017 Cancelled officially (Shift-2) 30-04-2017 Reviewed by Admin on 10:19:00 PM Rating: 5
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