CAT Interim Order regarding OBC Non Creamy Certificate (SSC CGL 2016)

CAT Interim Order regarding OBC Candidates of SSC CGL 2016 

Hello Readers,

As we all know that many OBC candidates do not have OBC Certificate within prescribed dates as mentioned by SSC. Some candidates filed a case in CAT and on 11-04-2017 CAT (Principal Bench, Delhi) has issued interim order in favor of candidates and directed SSC to consider the candidates OBC non creamy layer certificate for thr purpose of their candidature provisionally and allow them to participate in future stages of examination including document verification.

This Order copy was forwarded to Qmaths by an aspirant (anonymous), and Team Qmaths thanks him for sharing this information.

Click Here to Download CAT Interim Verdict regarding OBC Candidates of SSC CGL 2016

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CAT Interim Order regarding OBC Non Creamy Certificate (SSC CGL 2016) CAT Interim Order regarding OBC Non Creamy Certificate (SSC CGL 2016) Reviewed by Admin on 9:13:00 AM Rating: 5
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