How to find Square Root of any number in 2 seconds :Fast Maths Tricks and Shortcuts

How to find Square Root of any number in 2 seconds :Fast Maths Tricks and Shortcuts

Hello Friends,

In this post we we'll share a trick to find Square Root of any perfect square number.

It involves three steps:

1) Grouping
2) Finding A
3) Finding B

Lets Start with an example, say 3364

Step 1: 

In this step we'll group it in segment of two digit numbers, starting from Right Hand Side. 33 and 64 will be two groups.

We'll give it a name to make it easy to understand say first part 33 is A (Tens Digit) and second part is B (Units Digit).

we need to find A and B and Square root of this number will be AB

Step 2:

Lets take first part A i.e. 33.

We need to find largest number whose square should be less than 33. We can find that 5 is the largest no. whose square 25 is less than 33 as square of 6 which is 36 would be greater than 33.

Hence A= 5

Step 3:

Part B is 64, all we need to worry about is the last digit of this number i.e. 4. we need to think of all such numbers from 1 to 9 whose last digit of squared term comes 4.

Last Digit
0 - 0
1 - 1
2 - 4
3 - 9
4 - 16
5 - 25
6 - 36
7 - 49
8 - 64
9 - 81

Choice is between: 2 and 8

So our unit digit must be either 2 or 8.

to find which number out of these two will be unit digit we need to multiply tenth digit i.e. A = 5 with its successor 6.
5x6 =30

Now compare this product with first part of given number : 33

we see that 33 is greater hence we'll take higher value from 2 and 8.

hence we get B=8

So overall Number = 58

You can watch our Youtube video lesson with many other examples to understand this trick.

Below is the video of this Trick.

Click Here  for Part 2 of this Trick which is applicable for any numbers (No need to be perfect square Number)
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How to find Square Root of any number in 2 seconds :Fast Maths Tricks and Shortcuts How to find Square Root of any number in 2 seconds :Fast Maths Tricks and Shortcuts Reviewed by Admin on 1:22:00 AM Rating: 5
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