SSC CGL 2016 Tier-1 Questions asked on 30-08-2016 (Afternoon) Shift II

Hello Friends,

Today (30 August 2016) was Day 4 and  SSC Has conducted SSC CGL (2016) Exam. In this post we are sharing some of the questions asked in Second Shift of this exam.

Shift II (Afternoon Shift) Questions asked in SSC CGL 2016 tier 1 (30-08-2016)

1. First woman president of Congress - Annie Besant

2. What is Silica gel?

3. If no atmosphere than what is the colour of the sky? Black

4. The partition of congress was done in which session

5. Ozone layer protects earth from which rays - Ultraviolet Rays

6. Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) submit his reports to whom? President

7. Shiva Thapa is associated with which sports? Boxing

8. Which country exited from European countries - Britain

9. Palk of strait separate which country - India & Sri Lanka

10. Hydrochloric acid present in which digestive organ - Stomach

11. Constitutional remedies are what?

12. Birju Maharaj is related to - Kathak dancer

13. Which hill connects eastern and western ghats -Bilgiri Hills

14. Rhino speciality of which Indian National Park - Kaziranga National Park

15. Scheme for poor women upliftment -

16. Satavahana first king -

17. First Buddhist council held at -

18. Residex related to - Housing

19. Superfast AC Train having barely signal -

20. Toughest natural substance - (wool, cotton, jute, silk) - Silk

21. Optical filter used for - to attenuate or enhance an image

22. Silver gets corroded due to presence of what in air -

23. Which is radioactive element?

Source: SSC CGL 2016

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SSC CGL 2016 Tier-1 Questions asked on 30-08-2016 (Afternoon) Shift II SSC CGL 2016 Tier-1 Questions asked on 30-08-2016 (Afternoon) Shift II Reviewed by Admin on 6:06:00 PM Rating: 5
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