SSC CHSL 2015 Result Declared (Paper-1) with alternate link
SSC CHSL 2015 Result Declared (Paper-1)
Staff Selection Commission conducted the Combined Higher
Secondary (10+2) Examination, 2015 on 01.11.2015, 15.11.2015,
6.12.2015 & 20.12.2015 and re-exam on 23.07.2016 for recruitment to
the post of Data Entry Operators and Lower Division Clerks at various
centers all over the country. 30,44,455 candidates appeared in the said
Cut- off : UR 119
Click Here to Download SSC CHSL 2015 Result (Paper - 1)
(Click Here for alternate google Drive link)
(Click Here for alternate google Drive link)
NOTE: The Commission in conformity with para 12 of the Notice of
Examination, has decided to conduct Paper-II of descriptive
nature of 100 marks. This paper is tentatively scheduled to be held on
18.09.2016. A brief explanatory note on Paper-II would be hosted on the
website of the Commission soon.
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SSC CHSL 2015 Result Declared (Paper-1) with alternate link
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