SBI SO (Specialist Officer) 2015-16 result out, download pdf

SBI SO (Specialist Officer ) 2015-16 result out, check here

Dear Friends, 

State Bank of India Today (28.01.2016) declared the result of common written exam for Specialist Officer ADVERTISEMENT NO. CRPD/SCO/2015-16/7 for the post of Assistant Manager (Systems). The common online test for SBI SO was conducted on 17 January 2016.

Kindly Note :-

Interviews will commence from 15-02-2016. Candidates shortlisted are being advised by way of SMS and e-mail seperately. Candidates are advised to visit Bank's website to download Call-Letter for Interview(Date,Time & Venue) and Bio-Data Form from 02-02-2016 onwards.

Click Here To download and See the Result in Pdf (Source official Website)

The results are subject to:

 i) Fulfilment of eligibility criteria/ conditions as prescribed in our advertisement No. CRPD/SCO/2015-16/7 dated 25.11.2015 

ii) Correctness of information furnished by the candidate at the time of registration in online application form. 

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SBI SO (Specialist Officer) 2015-16 result out, download pdf SBI SO (Specialist Officer) 2015-16 result out, download pdf Reviewed by Admin on 7:57:00 PM Rating: 5
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